SymphonyIRI Group (formerly Information Resources, Inc. (IRI))
150 N. Clinton St.
Chicago, IL 60661
(312) 726-1221
When products fly off the shelves, this company is watching -- and counting. SymphonyIRI Group (formerly Information Resources, Inc.) is a leading market research firm, providing sales data for consumer packaged goods gathered from checkout scanners at more than 95,000 retail locations (excluding Wal-Mart, which doesn't release data) in the US and Europe. It sells the data through subscriptions to its InfoScan service, which offers access to the data as well as analytical software tools. In addition to checkout scanner data, it gathers information via consumer panels and offers test marketing services. The company, which changed its name in 2010, is owned by holding company Symphony Technology Group.
Company Type Private
Fiscal Year-End December
Employees 3,600
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